IMR WHP50 White Hot Preformed Charge For 50 Cal In-Line Muzzleloaders, 72Pk, State Laws Apply

Manufacturer: IMR
SKU: 0976-0069
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White Hots is a non-nitrocellulose-based muzzleloader substitute pellet propellant billed as the only white gunpowder. Two 50-grain pellets yielded shots above 1,800 fps using 240-grain saboted projectiles. Three 50-grain pellets achieved over 2,000 fps with a variety of 240- through 290-grain saboted projectiles. White Hots are easy to load and leave behind little residue, which makes for easy cleaning. After more than 10 rounds, I swabbed my rifle bore spotlessly clean with three wet patches and one dry patch. White Hots are intended for .50 caliber inline muzzleloaders using any 209 shotshell primer ignition system. A new portable hunt pack allows loads to be taken to the field packed in transparent tubes for easy access and minimal contamination.